
Nowadays not easy to find a good landlord as some might skin you alive on the rent etc or some might impose strict house rules.

Still remember when I was looking for room in Singapore, went to few chinese houses but the landlord /landlady are kinda fussy type & with tons of house rules example 1 laundry per week etc. Finally decided to give it a try on indian landlord, everything turn out to be fine… less house rules etc. hahaha

Yesterday 05 August 2008 was my landlord 7th wedding anniversary, congratulation to them. They spend me a piece a cake & pizza too… not bad…

Earlier like May or June this year was the landlady birthday, they spend me a piece of cake & pizza too… Seems to me they like pizza alot.

Sometime when they cook their lunch, they also will spend me lunch too… nice curry & indian food.

Just wanna say thanks here…

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