1st Putrajaya International Hot Air Balloon Fiesta 2009

Wake up in the early morning around 6.30am to travel far far from wangsa maju to putrajaya with friends to check out the hot air balloon festival.

Maybe we are too early, nothing much to do… Just 1 balloon to see, hot sun, many people.

As for lunch, we went to for famous & delicious fish head soup.

Night time just watch dragon ball movie but the movie lasted just 1hr ++ and nothing special. Wai Kin also bring us to eat one of the Indian cuisine, quite spicy & additively Delicious… I wonder whether they use poppy seeds?

1st Putrajaya International Hot Air Balloon Fiesta 2009

Yanni New Dancing Doll

Happy New Year 2009

How did u celebrate your new year?

Mine was like hanging out with colleague, eating steamboat. We ate pumpkin porridge, mihun, fried chicken, meat balls. Before we go watch fireworks, we get our self baskin robbins. After steamboat, enjoying 1 pint of baskin robbins chocolate & vanilla ice cream is damn shiok. 3rd round we have Starbucks, to chill out and wait for fireworks display.

Finally the time is near 12am… fireworks is all over KLCC, KL tower. Nice…

Under LHDN Investigation

My mom brought me a LHDN letter from hometown today which was dated 18/06/2008. A request by LHDN asking me to furnish proof of original copies of pay slips, computer purchase, life insurance, KWSP etc.

This govt agency is really damn efficient when it comes to collecting taxes from us. I guess no other govt agency is much efficient than them… I am guessing that this investing gation is not just any random selection, but is because of my tax rebate of RM57 when I bought my laptop. Both tax rebate & proof submission letter both dated the same day.

It’s been more than 30 days from the dead line for proof submission. I wonder what will happen? Since myself is not in Malaysia, I guess I can only furnish them with proof during CNY.

You might think i was randomly picked by computer to check… which i seriously doubt. If you compare both tax rebate & proof submission letter. The proof submission letter was issued on the same date as computerized tax rebate letter, some more the proof submission letter have a lot of errors eg, wrong name, wrong address etc

Tax Rebate Letter

Proof submission Request Letter

Christmas Potluck 2008

It’s christmas time, where people will gather around to have dinner with family & frens. Since I am not with family at the moment therefore my frens is the closest thing i have now.

On that peaceful night, we have potluck at one of my frens place. It’s quite a long nite actually, we have food, drinks, beer, cake… As normal gathering, we indeed play some card games to finish up the beers.

Christmas Potluck 2008

My First Blood Donation Experience

All I can say is extremely awful…
First the nurse stick the needle on my left hand but since my vein is kinda small therefore the blood come out slow and after a while there is no more blood…

She gave another try on my right hand, and this time the blood come out slow too but didn’t stop…During the process she even stick the whole needle under my skin… damn painful.

Deepavali Long Weekend

Went to KL again during Deepavali long weekend… barely less than a week since the last time I back for bicycle trip hehehe…

It’s like a habit, must go visit uncle Lim… this time only manage to get RM310 pocket money from uncle Lim unable to beat my personal best RM475… well still good enough for my travel expenses. The day I went up hill, the sky is very clear and on the skyway from lower station I can see the top… so clear the sky

Taman Pertanian Malaysia

Went to Taman Pertanian Malaysia organize by ex colleague to cycling… Very tiring and exhausting especially cycling up hill, almost wanna vomit… Inside the taman, we visit fish pond, animal farm, four season house…

After the exhausting trip, it’s time for feast… We took bah kut teh at klang. Check out the photos!

MEO Oct 2008

Searching for Idiot Driver of WPK 6393

Saw this email:

I wonder why people can be so selfish and ignorant ?? Not only are they parking at the handicap parking, but they are placing their car on the divider line. You may be desperate for parking, but where is your conscience ?! Now we wonder what the world is becoming …….

925 Silver Ring

31 August 2008, bought myself a silver ring from night market… The seller say is 925 silver and cost me SGD 18, well if it’s not 925 silver then just my bad luck.

No special effect here, just accidentally cover flash with finger.

Lost My PDA Phone Dopod D810

30 July 2008 8.30am,
Inside the office discover that my hand phone is missing from my hand phone holder, but I didn’t gave much concern on it because thinking of it must be me left it inside my room.

30 July 2008 6.00pm,
Reach home look for the phone in my room but no where to be found. I tried to dial but couldn’t heard my hand phone ringer. This time I am desperate to search for the phone already, as the phone is not cheap around RM1.6K and use less than a year. I try dialing many time to my hand phone but no ringer can be heard & no 1 pick up the phone.

So I decided to go back to office to search for my phone… Reach the office try to call my hand phone again but also couldn’t heard my hand phone ringer or any1 pickup. I say to myself this time fcuk lah must be kena stolen as my hand phone holder have magnetic clip so is unlikely to drop.

Anyway decided to check with MRT station, but the staff inform me that if any1 found and return to the station they will call the hand phone owner. So I guess i just have to wait.

30 July 2008 10.00pm,
Very piss off and if my phone really got stolen and the theft change the SIM card this will trigger an anti theft software which will sms alert to my predefined number. So I was waiting for the sms but didn’t receive any, so i decided to sleep early hopefully early morning got some news or something.

31 July 2008 7.10am,
Check my Nokia 1100 & Nokia 3310 but still didn’t receive any sms alert from my Dopod… I felt very sad but still have to go to work, I take out my fresh shirt from the wardrobe and I felt my shirt was kinda extra heavy but couldn’t care much.

At the moment I fling my shirt, suddenly I see my Dopod start flying in the mid air and “bang” hit the tile floor after drop… I was like wat da fcuk?!! But lucky my hand phone still intact and seems working properly.

In my mind now, I was wondering how the hell did my hand phone ended up in my shirt pocket? As I last touch my shirt was last weekend after laundry… Did some thing put my hand phone there?

Couldn’t stop wondering how did my dopod end up in my shirt pocket…. any how I am glad that my handphone is safe & sound now.